Toni Maria Schmid

Profile Updated: July 21, 2024
Toni Maria Schmid
Toni Maria Schmid


Toni Maria Schmid


Toni Maria Schmid


Yes! Attending Reunion
Residing In: Bertram, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Gordon Stevenson
My Website(s):
Occupations: Retired from the Mortgage Technology Industry
Family: Husband Gordon, Step-son, Taylor Stevenson and daughter-in-law, CJ, and GRANDSON TEDDY born in the Fall More…of 2023.
My other "children" are my sweet horse, George, his companion gelding, Charlie. and Tiger the Lion King Kitty
About me:

I enjoy family history, genealogy, managing a few websites for family and community.

Why do I do this AHHS web site stuff, and reunion planning? I've always enjoyed event planning, organizing, and web based software. Since retiring in 2008, after an unsuccessful, exhaustive job search (I had been laid off in 2007 due to a downturn in our industry,) I had more time for AHHS71 projects.
Interests & Hobbies over the years: travel, community theatre, Private Pilot, sailing, friends, pets, Genealogy & family history, riding my horse George, managing several web sites, our cottage in northern Wisconsin, travel with Gordon, and most recently (2020) built our house in rural NE Burnet County, central Texas.

School Memories and Stories:

My favorite class and teacher was Mrs. Hamilton, and her encouragement. For some reason, I loved Trigonometry, and aced her class.

Story: 8th Grade, after Benner Barclay's party, several of us kids planned to sneak out and meet at Cambridge Elementary. I was spending the night with Martha Barker. Shannon G, clad in her bathrobe and with dog in tow, rolled her parents car out of the driveway, and picked up Martha and me, and a few others.
Sliding down the fire escapes at Cambridge, generally having fun talking, laughing, some neighbors called in a "Disturbing the Peace" on us. The AH Police rounded most of us up, but Benner, Foster and a couple others got away.
Martha was too upset to call her parents, so i had the honor to call them and inform them, that, no, we were not in Martha's room, we were at the Police Station. Then i called my parents. UGH. My father, my sister & her college boyfriend came to get me. Humiliating. It was years before they would allow me to spend the night out with anyone. And every time I asked to go do anything, I got the guilt trip "We trusted you once, Toni" lecture.
Looking back, it was so innocent, as compared to what it could have been. Few or none of us were drinking, smoking, drugging. Just goofy kids out having fun at 4:00am!

Elementary Schools:

Marymount Catholic School, Arlington, VA
St. Francis Catholic School, Sacramento, CA
Greenpark School, near Tokyo, Japan
Dominican Convent Boarding School, San Rafael, CA
St. Phillip Neri, Midwest City, OK
AHJS - Mrs Owen was my Home Room Teacher

My favorite Teachers and Mentors were Sister Fredericka and several other Nuns at Dominican in the early 60s.

Posted: Jul 21, 2024 at 1:03 PM
Gordon and grandson Teddy (10 mo)
Posted: Jul 21, 2024 at 1:06 PM
April 2019, Wedding of Taylor and CJ
Glenapp Castle, west coast of Scotland
Small, beautiful, intimate, AND FUN! wedding, family and minimal wedding party
Gordon, CJ, Taylor, Toni
Posted: Jun 10, 2016 at 1:18 PM
Fredericksburg, TX at a war bird fly-in. April 2016
Posted: Aug 06, 2016 at 10:58 AM
my step-son, Taylor Stevenson, grew up flying in the back seat of Gordon's WWII AT-6, since he was 5 years old. Taylor carries on the family tradition for love of Military Aviation History, and flying the old War Birds. These days, his dad is sitting in the back seat.
Posted: Jun 10, 2016 at 1:16 PM
Lovely, sweet George!
Posted: Aug 06, 2016 at 10:57 AM
Handsome Romeo, RIP
Posted: May 03, 2016 at 9:40 AM
Posted: Aug 06, 2016 at 10:55 AM
3 Pilots
Toni 1982
Gordon 2008
Ed 1940
Posted: Aug 06, 2016 at 10:55 AM
my family, Boerne, TX
Posted: May 03, 2016 at 9:42 AM
"Here's to our Blue & Gold ... "