Linda Sue McDougall
April 29, 1953 - June 19, 1971
Obituary not found
Gravesite at Sunset Memorial Park

Remembering Linda ...
Linda and I lived across the street from each other since we were too young to cross the street…we would sit on the curb and shout at each other for hours. Linda always liked to dress up in a cowboy hat. She had the neatest playhouse and I had the swing set…so we spent a lot of time together. In 3rd grad thru to 5th, when we all had moved (close together but not across the street), she and I decided one summer to open a café. Our menu consisted of grilled cheese, watered down Kool-Aid, pickles and Chips Ahoy. Our only customers were our younger sisters and they would not even pay.
~ Lynn Erben, September 7, 2001
Linda McDougall: One of the finest people I knew. She was smart,always happy ,composed and helping others. I wish I had spent a lot more time with her. She was the coolest ,had much conviction and courage. I remember talking to her about her Buddist faith one time at a time I was learning eastern thought and ways. She was a devout Buddist and that needs to be mentioned because she told me she went to the temple every week sometimes twice. She had a great family and sister too . I asked her what do your parents think they are Christian and go to church every week right? She said they were good with that. We had many fun times together and it was all quality time.
~ Brad Miller, January 2011
Please send memories and photos to tschmid@austin.rr.com

1970, Port Aransas, with Anita and Toni