Anna Marie Ciulla Brown
June 11, 1953 ~ June 22, 2021
Anna Marie Brown, 68, of Ada, Oklahoma passed away Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021 in Ada.
Daughter: Alyssa N. Brown, and granddaughter
Son: William "Nathan" Ciulla
Grandchildren: Cory, Andrew, Kyle, Sean and Emma Ciulla
Please post your memories, stories, photos of Anna to this page - scroll down to bottom of page
We recently learned of Anna's passing this past June. Anna's sweet daughter, Alyssa, was searching for photos of her mom, when she came upon our AHHS '71 web site.
"I am the surviving daughter of Anna Maria Ciulla (Brown, married name). My Mother passed away on 6/22/21 from Cancer. I am only 28 and helped, watched, and took care of my mother the entire time through her five year cancer battle. Even though I knew what the final outcome would be at the end of her cancer battle, I still was not ready to lose my Mother yet.
I was trying to locate pictures of her. I miss her deeply. I found some pictures by googling Alamo Heights Graduating class of 1971. Could you possibly send me pictures of my mother?
~ Alyssa Brown
I told Alyssa that the last time I heard from Anna, was in 2016 when she emailed me that she could not make it in for our 45th Reunion, but that she would be at the 50th. ~ Toni
per Alyssa - In 2016 my mother did not know she was sick. I accidentally found her cancer on new years day in 2017. My mother was working with special needs people that lived in a group home. Each shift the employees would work in pairs. She had caught a cold and just couldn't get over it. One night she was working, and her partner called me in the wee hours of the morning. They proceeded to tell me she couldn't stop throwing up for her shift up to that point in time. I picked my mother up immediately and took her to the ER. Once we were at the ER, the ER doctor took a routine scan of her chest. Then the doctor very hesitantly asked us if we knew that she had a mass in her lung. We were shocked to say the least. I look back now and I'm happy that I got to spend the last five years with her because the oncology doctors originally only gave her six months to live. Towards the end of 2020, and all of 2021 is when her health really started to deteriorate. I have attached two pictures below that I have on hand. I keep them at my desk at work so I can think of her all the time.
She had her 68th birthday on 6/11/2021, then exactly 11 days later she passed on 6/22/2021. Four days before she passed away, she told me her momma came to see her. And she named specific things that they talked about. My grandmother (her mother) passed away when I was in high school about 10+ years ago.
My mother did not want a big ceremony at her funeral. She chose to be cremated and there was no ceremony or viewing. It was just me, my 4 year old daughter, and my mom's ashes.
My mother loved music. She raised me up listening to the sixties and seventies music. And I ended up inheriting my mothers' collection of vinyl records from the sixties and seventies. I bought a record player and last night I was listening to the Beatles and thinking about her when "I want to hold your hand" & "Drive my car" came on.
I would love to know more stories about her youth years ~ Alyssa
Anna's Profile ~ Anna set up her profile on our website in 2016
About me:
Attended nursing school in San Antonio then moved family to Houston and have been there ever since. Originally used nursing degree to work within childcare services, but also worked in oil/energy field for many years. Currently connected with day program for special needs adults - usually the middle age years. They are wonderful and challenging to be with. Started writing music years ago and have kept it up - love it too. You can't live in the same town as the Z's and not pull some strings.
I have usually worked two jobs at a time and am very busy. Just didn't keep up with everyone. But I have enjoyed this sight and appreciate the wonderful job Toni has done. Big thanks to Toni!!
School Stories:
All seven of the Ciulla children went to Alamo Heights. Enough said. Every teacher I had usually had one or two of the older kids before me. I remember my third grade teacher pointing to me the first day of school and saying "I had your brother so don't try anything!" I was scared to death because that brother was a wild one, no telling what he did to her.
Jr. High was fun for me. Some of my closest friend associations came from there. High school years were lacking in the memory department. Being in a work program after school eventually lead me to be disconnected with the main group. New work associates became best buds.
High School Clubs
Chaps, Gymnastics Club, D.E.
Anna working at Handy Andy, 1970
Sr Year 70-71 DECA
1970, D.E.C.A.
Memories of Anna
Kellis Chandler: Anna was a cheerleader for the "San Antonio Toros". I don't suppose anyone was affiliated with them? Might be some pics somewhere
Caren Martin Gaffney: Anna’s name caught my attention on the recent no response list and I wondered what happened to her . I met her when I first moved to San Antonio. She was so sweet. I do recall her being in an afternoon work program and lost touch. Ironically it appears she later lived in the small town of Ada, Ok. My parents retired there to be near my grandmother and I have been there numerous times over the years. It’s strange how our lives pass others we know when you least expect it.
Sandie Poole Sewell: Condolences and prayers. When I remember about Anna was her smile and laugh. She was always happy.
Kellis: I'm pretty friggin speechless......I can hear her laugh to this day. I have no doubt that she's floating with the Angels
Toni Schmid Stevenson: Anna had the most infectious smile and laugh
Please Email photos to for our archive.
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