Lorene A. Correll
April 23, 1953 ~ March 22, 2009
Bozeman, MT
Rennie is a nickname her mother used
Please help keep Lorene's memory alive by sending
memories, photos to be posted here.
Obituary not found
Grave Memorial in Bozeman, MT
Mother: Lucia A. Correll
Siblings: one sister, Linda
Children: Lorene had a son
Lorene was born on April 23, 1953 and passed away on Sunday, March 22, 2009. Lorene was a resident of Bozeman, Montana. She died of complications from MS.
If anyone knows family or friends, please contact them. We would like to add photos of Lorene and her family from recent decades.

Remembering Lorene ....
My April Lady
In the 70's I worked with Lorene at the Western Sun Coffee shop on the Austin Hyw, we had a good time there and met some interesting people. She soon talked me into getting an apartment with her - so we did. We got an apartment at La Plaza (a great party complex with lots of singles) where I met my husband. I look back at this now and go wow I was 17 and she was 18, we had car payments and rent and did it on what we made at that coffee shop. She would love to get dressed up and go downtown to the Kangeroo Court on the river where we would have an Apricot Brandy Sour or two and just laugh and talk about our day or boyfriends and upcoming parties.
I married and we went in different directions.
I last saw her in the late 70's maybe 1980, she was in Albertson's pushing her son in the grocery cart and walking with her husband. I yelled Schlompy ( a word we made up at Stanberry's house a greeting of great friends and endearment ) she turned and smiled and immediately we tried to catch up. They were moving to Montana, a dream she had always had of living in the mountains with snow in the winter.
I was thinking about her one day and googled her name, she passed away in Montana. I was saddened by this, but my mind was flooded with so many good memories and laughter that we shared. Her Birthday is in April and she is my April Lady, a free spirit and my friend that touched my life !! Be at Peace My SCHLOMPY !!! ~ Joann Hunt Doyal
Below are photos shared by Joann Hunt Doyal
Summer 1971 and La Plaza Apartments at complex and the party room
a popular party spot for '09ers

Debbie (who?) and Lorene

Lorene dancing with Joann's husband, Dub
