David Randall Overstreet
October 23, 1952 - December 27, 1988
Note from Toni, December 30, 2017:
I recently heard from a long time Austin friend of David, who had been thinking of his friend, David, on the anniversary of his passing. He sent this note and photo of a gift he'd received from David many years ago: "David had given me one of his favorite plants called a Night-blooming Cereus, which I still have today, some 29 years later. Attached is a photo of some of the blooms from this fall." - J. Dec 2017

I felt that this is a touching, special tribute to David's giving spirit - Toni
Born October 23, 1952 in Sherman, Grayson County, TX
Parents: James & Francys Overstreet
Sister & Brothers: Jama, Preston, Paul, James
Education: Alamo Heights High School, Trinity University, Texas A & M University
Cast member in San Antonio Little Theatre stage productions
Certified Horticulturist
Business Owner: Living Environments, Austin, TX
Died: December 27, 1988, Austin, Travis Co, TX. Cause: Complications resulting from HIV
Memorial Article: The North San Antonio Times, Thursday, Jan 5, 1989, pg 11
David Randall Overstreet, who lived most of his life in San Antonio, died Dec. 27, at the age of 36, at his home in Austin.
Born in Sherman, he attended Alamo Heights schools and Trinity University.
He owned a successful business called "Living Environments" for a number of years and was associated with several nurseries in the Austin and San Antonio areas.
Mr. Overstreet is survived by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. James Overstreet of San Antonio; a sister and brother-in-law Jama & Rusty Brown of Uvalde; three brothers and sisters-in-law, Preston & Gloria Overstreet of New Braunfels; Paul & Mary Overstreet and Jim & Debbie Overstreet of San Antonio; and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held Dec. 29, 1988 in Austin with the Rev. David King officiating.
David Randall Overstreet
by Frances Overstreet, David's Mother
David came into this world on October 23, 1952 in Sherman, Tx, eight miles from his family's home in Denison. When he was four years old, they moved to Hutchinson, KS, where he attended kindergarten and the First Grade. His Father, a Kress Store Manager, was then transferred to San Antonio, where they lived in Alamo Heights, and he attended Cambridge Elementary. Two years later, his parents bought a home on East Edgewood, which put him in the Woodridge District, and just about two blocks from the high school.
Theatre and performing was important to him. He had a small part in "The Miracle Worker" with the San Antonio Little Theatre. The same year, he had a leading roll in "Sound of Music", which had over fifty public perfomances for the summer.
When he was fifteen, he noticed some activity going on in the strip center on Broadway and Edgewood, where they were building picnic tables. he stopped by, got acquainted and offered his help. The business turned out to be "Smokeys Barbecue." Being the only near by eating place other than the school cafeteria, long lines soon formed for the lunch breaks. Before long, David was practically running the place. Due to laziness and lack of interest, the owners closed the restaurant after a year. His next part time job was at the nearby cleaners, which as part of his pay, provided him with the well-groomed look he liked to have. He also worked at Radio Station KTSA.
After high school, David attended Trinity University for two years where he enjoyed Radio & Television courses. He continued his schooling at Texas A&M where he became a Certified Horticulturist, leading him to a job as Manager of a Nursery on Perrin-Beitel for two years. Always interested in decorating and growing things, he moved to Austin, where he built his own green house and started his own business, called, LIVING ENVIRONMENTS. He did well, until too much competition started him looking at other options. Having done some work at Barton Creek, he accepted a job working full time for them.
Following his wishes, after cremation, his father, early one morning, scattered his ashes around the Sunken Gardens in San Antonio. Next time you're in Brackenridge Park enjoying the beauty of the flowers and the landscape of the gardens, remember David, and his loving spirit.
In 2001, at the request of Ilse Garrett, Mrs. Overstreet documented the above memory of David for our Class Memorial Collections.

Remembering David ...
Hank remembers ... small memory: David Overstreet was in my carpool to Woodridge Elelmentary. Alan Westerman, his sister Sandra, (they lived across the street directly from David), Ed Chambers (occasionally…), and "Spook" Gordon (his birthday was October 31). I think we lasted 3 or 4 years, and we used to carpool for the A Bomb evacuations back then, too. :) After 5th or 6th grade I saw David around, but we didn't socialize. I didn't know he passed until just now. RIP David ~ Hank Hehmsoth
Ilse remembers ... Our Creative Friend - I remember the day I received the North San Antonio Times telling me of the death of David Overstreet. I felt such a great loss. I couldn't believe he was gone. I told my husband, " He's too young to have died." - - David was my friend. Although I hadn't seen him for years, I still felt the closeness. I first met David in Junior High School. I can remember how talented he was. He played the character of Friedrich Von Trapp in Sound of Music at the San Antonio Little Theatre. I know he had other theatrical parts over the years, but this one sticks in my mind. - - I can't help thinking of David when I smell English Leather cologne, it was his favorite. - - I remember he drove a blue and white Chrysler that had push button gears rather than a gearshift on the column. David, Penny Telford, another person I don't remember, and I were to go to the prom. I think we should up so we could say we actually went, but we didn't stay long. We left and headed out towards New Braunfels. We were going looking for "Goatman". All I remember when we were sitting in the car waiting to see "Goatman" was this horrible sound outside the car and us being really frightened. I don't know what the sound actually was, but it sounded like a wounded animal. We were parked on a road somewhere in the country and I remember there were like walls of rock around us. Almost like we were in a canyon. I have no clue where it was, only that it was somewhere towards New Braunfels. David tried to start the car and it wouldn't start. I finally noticed that he did not have it in "park" completely. The button wasn't pushed all the way. I know we accused the guys of doing that purposely! Looking back, it really was funny!
After high school, David and I saw each other, although it wasn't often. But, we remained friends. He was warm and caring and very talented. I shall always remember David Overstreet. He is missed. ~ Ilse Garrett
High School Involvement included D.E.C.A (Jr. Year) and
Coordinated Vocational Academic Education (Sr. Year)
Jr Year D.E.C.A ~ Mr Ellerbee, Sponsor

Sr. Year, Coordinated Vocational Academic Education ~ Mrs. Ross, Sponsor.
(David is not pictured)
