William 'Bill' Rives
July 1953 - February 2001
Obituary not found
Bill's mother's Obituary, Rita S Rives
Born: July 31, 1953, San Antonio, TX
Graduated: AHHS, Louisiana State University, BS in Horticulture. Alpha Lambda Delta Honorary Scholastic Fraternity
Children: Christen, Chelsea, and Carly
Employment: Boeing and Lockheed-Martin in the Aerospace industry. Bell Atlantic. Accenture-Sr Financial Analyst, Charlotte, NC
Died: February 5, 2001, Tarpon Springs, FL
Parents: John and Rita Rives
Brother: John S. Rives, Jr, Class of '69
Sister: Barbara Ann Rives
here with daughters Christen (cap and gown) and Carly, 2000

Bill Remembered .....
Bill Rives and I were not "best friends" but good friends anyway. Sometimes we would go 10 years or more without contact. We were roommates during the summer of 77. At that time I was the restaurant manager at the Magic Time Machine in Austin. Bill worked for me, bussing tables and dressed as "Dr. Livingston." He was a very special, very kind and well-mannered friend and I will dearly miss him. We were just becoming reacquainted. ~ Jimmy O'Brien September 2001
Bill Rives - The Inner Circle has been broken. When our hearts were young he was a big part of my life. He loved his friends and he loved to listen to music, real loud. I know we would drive his mother crazy because we would sit in the living room and play records all the time and some of songs he’d play over and over because he would like a certain part of the song. If we weren’t there it was always with Bubba, Brad, Tony or Johnny somewhere having laughs and good times. Bill called me about a year and a half ago to console me on the passing of my mother. We rehashed old times and I promised to track him down for the 30 year reunion as he wanted to attend. I am sad that our paths won’t cross again for God had bigger plans for you. I’ll just have to take you in my heart because that’s where you’ll always be ~ Joann Hunt Doyal
Bill Rives, was my favorite enigma. I dont know how you did it Bill but you did it well and made everyone laugh. I loved Bill Rives and still think about him. We were best friends and he came to stay with me on Kauai in the 70's where he made a new set of life friends. Some guys I knew were going to hike to Kalalau Valley down the NaPali coast which may be the most beautiful hike on earth ( Jurassic Park,Fantasy Island opening, and King Kong filmed there) but its a grueling 8-12 hr hike if you do it in one day. They said they would take him but he had to carry their stuff ,he said OK not knowing how hard it was just carrying your own supplies to stay there till you run out of food. He passed the test and he came back with a few more friends for life. What a guy. ~ Brad Miller, January 2011
When I think of Bill Rives, a smile comes across my face. He was one of those rare individuals who, without even speaking, could make you laugh. My earliest memories of him were in junior high, hanging out at Cary Tucker's with Bobby Schenken. In high school, we would party with Tony Berkowitz, Bubba Mason, Johnny Clark, and Brad Miller. We loved going to concerts or just relaxing among friends at someone's home. Joann H. Doyal is not the only person who was looking forward to seeing Bill after all of these years. When reunion time comes around, certain people who have left fond memories in your heart, re-surface in your mind and you hope that maybe you'll get to see them again. Bill Rives was that kind of person. I would bet that most of his former girlfriends will always carry a place for him in their hearts. That's where he'll be for me during our 30th reunion. We miss you, Bill ~ Libby Castleberry Brocard

former ahhs site http://ahhs71.com/people/deceased/bill_rives.html