In Memoriam

Jon Gilhousen VIEW PROFILE



Jon Robert Gilhousen

1953 - 2024


click for Obituary 

published on by Funeral Caring USA - Bandera Road

Jon Robert Gilhousen, 70, of San Antonio, TX, died at home on June 14, 2024. He was born in Dayton, OH, in 1953 to Klein & Eleanor Shaw Gilhousen. After the family settled in San Antonio, Jon attended Alamo Heights schools, graduating in 1971.

He took many opportunities as a young man to hike and backpack in places such as Big Bend National Park. He graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio, with a BS in geology, and embarked on a career with the US Geological Survey as a Hydrologist, measuring and charting depth and flow in rivers around Texas. He formed an intimate connection with those rivers, and they became a large part of his identity. Jon was preceded in death by brothers Klein and Mike, and is survived by wife Debbie, brother Alan, sister Patti, and several nieces and nephews.

From an early age, Jon loved music and became an avid collector of Texas and Louisiana regional sounds. He acquired a vast knowledge that he enjoyed sharing with friends and family. Jon was lovingly cared for in his final illness by wife Debbie and brother-in-law Ricky Roberts.
A private celebration of life will be held on July 13 from 1pm until 4pm. Contact the family for details. If you can't participate in that, just kick back, enjoy a beer, and listen to your favorite jazz/blues tunes for a while in tribute.
To plant trees in memory, please visit the Sympathy Store.

2011 - Jon at our 40 Year Class Reunion, The Witte

Jon and Jimbo, our 30 Year Class Reunion, Barn Door

AHHS Activities

Chess Club, Los Quates, Sportsman Club 

1968         Olmos          1971

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07/07/24 05:17 PM #1    

Jimbo Roberts

When we moved to Alamo Heights back in 1961, I moved into a neighborhood that was already well established. Seems we had bought the house and the boy that was our age and lived there, was the coolest guy in the neighborhood. So, I was person non-grada and almost nobody liked me at all. Jon was the biggest among the boys in the neighborhood and he picked on me at first, until we had a real fist fight. After that, it seems I was finally accepted into the boys of Verdant. 

From there on, it was Jon, Richard, (Tinnerello) and myself we became the best fo friends. We lived in three houses in a row and ruled the neighborhood. We rode our bikes everywhere, adventures all over the northside, down Salado Creek, and often as far as downtown. There were the neighborhood football games, flying our model airplanes in the vacant lot at the end of the street, and the all the fireworks we'd set off on New Years and July 4th. Jon's older brother, Allen, was a muscian, who played a Strat. He also introduced us to some of the greats back then; Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, and numerous others who he had on his record collection. We'd sit and listen to these LPs on Allen's stereo, which was very good in it's time. We also went to many concerts together, seeing the likes of Jimi Hendrix and the Experience, Led Zeppelin, Jethro Tull, Jefferson Airplane, Ten Years After, among others. We really did have a great time together whatever we were doing. 

The years passed and we grew up. High School was another relevation to the social world that we came to understand. Then we went to college, we remained in touch, as best friends do, but ended up going seperate ways. We would call and talk every now and then, and catch up on what had happened to us as old friends do, but over time those calls became less frequent. I moved back to San Antonio in 1991. We would see each other around town especially at the local HEB and laugh out loud about the times we had to the amusment of the other shoppers watching these old men carrying on in the grocery store... 

Jon was a funny man, and good company, if not a bit reserved. He will be missed 

07/21/24 07:59 PM #2    

Toni Maria Schmid

Memories of Jon, by class member, Blake Hardy, who went by John back in the day.

The last time I saw Jon Gilhousen was decades ago. By San Antonio standards, it was cold. I was walking just fast enough to offer my exposed ears a bit of hope when Jon stopped and gave me a ride. I remember Jon for that simple act of kindness and friendship.

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